Saturday, March 16, 2019

Keep on Truckin'

Hey Dude, after both my little 1995 Toyota pickup and the country were rear-ended back in November of 2016, I finally bought a "new" 2005 Ford Ranger to help me get back on track.

PEOPLE: Freakin' Trump

PLACES: Longo Toyota, El Monte, North Hollywood, North Hollywood High, Uganda, Dallas, USC, Los Angeles County Music Center

THINGS: 2016 Election, football, baseball, airbags, zombie, WWII, warbirds, propellers, Corsair, Toyota Tacoma, hens teeth, Time Warner Cable, Lyft, Subaru, Film Noir, AAA

SOUNDS: squirrels, palm trees, motorcycles, wind, sirens, dogs

GENRE: storytelling, personal narrative, personal journal

PHOTO: "Work Trucks" shot on my iPhone5

RECORDED: February 22, 2019 on the observation deck at the Zane Grey Estate in Altadena, California

DISCLAIMER/WARNING: Proudly presented rough, raw and ragged. Seasoned with salty language and ideas. Not for most people's taste. Please be advised.

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