Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Pope of Coinstar Village

Anyways Dude, I was cash poor so I took my gas can full of coins to the local Coinstar machine and metaphorical chaos ensued. I later found redemption by watching The Two Popes about the friendship between Pope Francis and "the dude with the red shoes."

CHARACTERS: Zane Grey, Pope Benedict XVI, Anthony Hopkins, Jonathan Pryce, Orson Welles, Eddie Murphy

LOCATIONS: California Bohemian Leather (Workshop), Cornerstone Collective, Eagle Rock, Pasadena, Hastings Ranch, La Canada, Christmas Tree Lane, Argentina

MOVIES/TV: Netflix, It's a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol, Saturday Night Live

STUFF: Winter solstice, Ralphs, Kroger, Grocery Outlet, slot machine, Restoration Hardware, Catholicism, Jesuits

SOUNDS: coyote, dogs

GENRE: storytelling, personal narrative, personal journal

PHOTO: "Coinstar Pope" shot on my "new" iPhone6

RECORDED: December 21, 2019 on the observation deck at the Zane Grey Estate in Altadena, California

GEAR: Marantz Solid State Recorder PMD670, Sennheiser MD 46 microphone

DISCLAIMER/WARNING: Proudly presented rough, raw and ragged. Seasoned with salty language and ideas. Not for most people's taste. Please be advised.

HYPE/SWIPE: "Don't call me dude." - John Lurie

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