Sunday, July 19, 2015

Busy Being Born

Another 'get off my lawn' rant & ramble about trying to find cool podcasts.

Recorded July 18, 2015 on the observation deck at the Zane Grey Estate, using my Marantz PMD620. "Busy Being Born" shot on my old-ass iPhone G3.


Running Time: 18 minutes
File Size: 17.1 MB
Rated: R (Adult Language and Ideas)

Mentions: Los Angeles, Altadena, Bob Dylan, Art, Poetry, PodcastingFacebook, Comatose, This American Life, Me and the Geek, Sounds Like an Earful

Friday, July 10, 2015

Billy Zoom and the Blue Spark

A podcast inspired by X guitarist Billy Zoom's heroic battle against cancer and getting a little help from his friends. 

Recorded July 9, 2015 on the observation deck at the Zane Grey Estate, using my Marantz PMD620. "Billy Zoom" shot on my old-ass iPhone G3.


Running Time: 15 minutes
File Size: 13.7 MB
Rated: R

Mentions: Los Angeles, Altadena, Orange County, Observatory OC, Petros and Money, Dodgers, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Rockabilly Hall of Fame