Friday, June 30, 2017

Verge of the Dude: A Storytelling Jam

Hey Dude - I riff and ramble about the new storytelling workshop I'm doing at the Altadena Library.

Recorded June 28, 2017 on the observation deck of the Zane Grey Estate in beautiful Altadena, California. Proudly presented raw, unedited and in one take.


(PEOPLE/BANDS): Zane Grey, Comedians, John Doe, X (the Band), Charles Bukowski, Tom Waits, Exene Cervenka

(PLACES): Burbank, Altadena Library, Scotland, Baltimore, Venice, North Hollywood

(THINGS): Storytelling Jam, Storytelling, Music, Beyond Baroque, Bohemian, Poem

Running Time: 17:18
File Size:  16.4 MB
Rated: R (Salty Language and Ideas)

Gear: Raw audio recorded on a Marantz PMD620. "Storytelling Jam Go West" shot on my "new" iPhone 5.

Warning: "Verge of the Fringe where Lance Anderson tells anecdotes with stunning fragmented and cluttered feeling." ~ Hanna Fahl of Dagens Nyheters (Google translation of Sweden's daily newspaper)