An angry and profanity laced rant that explores the edge of madness with the help of my suicidal heroes Hemingway and Kerouac... Music by Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson...
Proudly presented raw, unedited and in one take... "Thanks for the download"...
23:32 / 22.7 MB / Rated: NC-17 ("Mature words for mature minds")
It's about time you started talking about "now" - what you are feeling right now. It's not that big of a risk. It's the truth and it's what you NEED to talk about.
Wow... I think we've all been waiting for this type of cast... Old school and deep... YES!
Truly great podcast. I still dig all of the shit you do, but this one is deep.
Keep up the great work,
from Amsterdam
Yep, I knew you still had it in you. Always enjoy the stories, but this one was reminiscent of seasons past.
This is some powerful shit, man. It's been a while since I've heard something this powerful. Tore me up.
Nice job man. I really enjoyed this.
Easy on the drink my friend. I've been ugly too. I followed Buk through the trenches of hell for most of the 90's. I almost didn't make it out alive.
I'm subscribed and looking forward to hearing more.
Lance, This is a fantastic podcast!
I really like the hero list in which Spalding Gray is kept off it because he is such an influence--Harold Bloom and the Anxiety of Influence's message of despair came flooding back to me when I heard that.
I really related to your comments on the Clipboard Lifestyle that all of my obsessions seem to devolve into--I mean, I start out trying to be creative and always seem to end up managing a mailing list, licking stamps, making huge to do lists, and dealing with financial audits. Why does that always seem to happen? The three things that destroy all of my projects are clipboards, black skirts, and pain.
The stuff about drinking vodka in the morning is classic Alcoholism--know that there is a solution and that you do not have to follow your heroes into insanity, institutions, and death. Know that creativity and sobriety are not mutually exclusive.
But what I really wanted to comment on was your representation of Altadena as some kind of Ghetto scene with historic Los Angeles Jim Crow Historical Significance--I mean seriously, Altadena? A simple glance at the wikipedia entry makes it very clear that it is a straight up suburb, any place where the "median income for a household in the CDP was $60,549," hardly has any street cred at all--in fact, I had always thought of Altadena as an Armenian Neighborhood.
Let me start by thanking all of you who have left feedback and support, on both this public comment page and to those of you who have sent me personal emails. It always makes me smile to know my words have meaning to a "select" group of people.
All that being said, I do feel the need to respond to Given's last paragraph on the public comment page. He wrote: "your representation of Altadena as some kind of Ghetto scene with historic Los Angeles Jim Crow Historical Significance--I mean seriously, Altadena?"
First off, I have never called my neighborhood a "ghetto," that is your word. In the piece, I said "average white people" from places like Iowa and New Hampshire (96% & 97.5% white respectively) would think I live in a "black neighborhood," with Altadena being 31 percent African American.
The Altadena Wikipedia entry that you site for the median income, has the following line from the second paragraph of the entry: "Its unincorporated status allowed it to become a major settlement area for working- and middle-class African-Americans during a period in which non-whites were forbidden to live in the vast majority of greater Los Angeles." To be honest, I think (according to Wikipedia) I got that one right.
Lastly, I think you might be confusing Altadena with Glendale (a city where I've also lived!)
Anyway Man, someday you should make a trip up to Altadena and see for yourself.... Personally, I think is a great place to live. In fact, for the first time in my life, I feel like I'm living where I belong.
Thanks again to everyone who has given me feedback (including Given!)
Brilliant, Lance. I clung on to every word. Absolutely my favorite cast thus far. Well done.
The croc rant had me rolling. I couldn't agree more.
I agree with what you said about truth. Have you ever heard the 5-part "John Lennon" interview for Rolling Stone that's traveling around the net?
From an artist's point of view, it's some of most raw unedited truth that you're bound to hear. If you've never heard it, let me know and I'll send you a link.
just listened for the second time - a year later. Very strong and lucid. Impressive.
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