Sunday, June 23, 2013

Verge of the Dude: Something That Happened on the Fringe

Dude - "A lot of people are talkin' about nothin' -- this guy's talkin' about somethin' -- and there's a big f**king difference."

Proudly presented rawunedited and in one-take... recorded and "Something That Happened" shot on my iPhone.

10:37 / 5.6 MB  RatedR (Mature LanguageThemes and Ideas).

1 comment:

Harold said...

If that guy ever gets back to his craft, he'll have you (in large part) to thank for it. Jesse is lucky to know people like you, even if, as you indicated, you kind of know each other but not entirely but still kind of do. (Don't think too much about making sense out of that one.)

By the way, my gal and I were checking out that moon tonight, too. We took our dog out and I howled a bit for him.