Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Humboldt Daze

Hey Dude, a winter storm in Los Angeles and the documentary Murder Mountain remind me of our "daze" up at Humboldt State, the Minor Theatre and ice cold Sierra Nevada on tap.

PEOPLE: The Dude

PLACES: Humboldt, Alderpoint, Los Angeles, Arcata, Minor Theatre, Sonoma State

THINGS: answering machine, Netflix, Hulu, True Crime, Serial, Podcasting, Murder Mountain, Victorian house, novel

SOUNDS: chainsaw, crows

RECORDED: January 16, 2019 on the observation deck at the Zane Grey Estate in Altadena, California

DISCLAIMER/WARNING: Proudly present rough, raw and ragged. Seasoned with salty language and ideas. Not for most people's taste. Please be advised.

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