Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Analog Day

Hey Dude, the relentless rain knocked out my power, so I went analog for the day, writing my novel with a fountain pen and time traveling back to the 20th century.

PEOPLE: Zane Grey

PLACES: Sonoma, Humboldt

THINGS: Podcast, Podcasting, oak tree, #LArain, novel, composition book, "Murder Mountain", NPR, KPCC, The Takeaway, digital recorder, Generation X, rotary phone

PET: Sweet Leaf

RECORDED: February 4, 2019 on the observation deck at the Zane Grey Estate in Altadena, California

DISCLAIMER/WARNING: Proudly present rough, raw and ragged. Seasoned with salty language and ideas. Not for most people's taste. Please be advised.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The is sincerely the most meta-podcast evah. The narrator talks about what he is going to do in every episode, but won't do it. There is a novel and a library show where he talks about not even kissing her and craigslist stories. There was some conflict at a library where he put on a show for books.

This is mustard radio.