Saturday, June 08, 2019

The Dude's Magic Sweater

Hey Dude, a bootleg photoshoot for a "podcast thing" leads me to wear my "Original Westerley" Pendleton sweater and tap intoThe Dude's mystical energy.

CHARACTERS: Sweet Leaf, Dracula, Dr. David Viscott, Frasier, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Quentin Tarantino, Rock Star

LOCATIONS: Descanso Gardens, Park Bench Deli, Macy's

STUFF: head shot, selfie, robe, cape, comic book crowd, vampire, People Magazine, L.A. Times, pop culture,

FILMS: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Cannes Film Festival, The Big Lebowski

SOUNDS: motorcycle, cars, echo, beard

GENRE: storytelling, personal narrative, personal journal

PHOTO: "The Dude's Magic Sweater" shot on Marisol's iPhone5s

RECORDED: June 7, 2019 on the observation deck at the Zane Grey Estate in Altadena, California

DISCLAIMER/WARNING: Proudly presented rough, raw and ragged. Seasoned with salty language and ideas. Not for most people's taste. Please be advised.

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